Sobre mim

1993 - 1996
Bolsista FPI. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Engenheiros Florestais ETS
1997 - 1998
Professor assistente. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. ETS Engenheiros Agrícolas
1998 - 2002
Professor da Escola Universitária. Universidad de Valladolid. Escola Técnica Superior de Engenharia Agrícola de Palencia
2002 - 2012
Professor de universidade. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Engenheiros Florestais ETS
2012 - Presente
Professor de universidade. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. ETS Engenharia Florestal, Florestal e Ambiente Natural
Linhas de pesquisa

Economia e Indústria Florestal
Economia e Indústria Florestal
Ler maisExperiência em cargos editoriais
Editorial Board Sustainability Journal (Section Sustainable Use of the Environment and Resources) [2018]
Section Editor-in-Chief Forests Journal [desde 2019]
Review Editor (Forest Management) Frontiers in Forests and Global Change [desde 2018]
Co-Editor número especial Forests Journal: “Integrating Ecosystem Services into Valuation and Forest Management Decisions” [año 2018]
Co-Editor número especial Sustainability Journal: “Sustainability as a Multi-criteria concept: New Developments and Applications” [año 2019]
Co-Editor número especial Forests Journal: “Forest Management and the Challenge of the Sustainable Development Goals” [año 2021]
Co-Editor número especial “Topics” (Economies, Environments, Forests, Land, Remote Sensing, Sustainability): “Land Use Change, Carbon and Markets“