From year 2012 I am Full Professor of Forest Management in the School of Forestry and Natural Resources at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain).
I have put my research lines in this page, but, in short, my research has focused on the design and application of different analytical tools for the resolution of problems associated with forest management and forest economics issues. Below are summarized, in a schematic way, various aspects of my CV
- Forest Engineer. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (1992)
- Máster in Business Administration (MBA). Instituto de Empresa, Madrid (1993)
- PhD in Forest Economics (1996). Universidad Politécnica de Madrid: “Modelos de Programación Matemática para la Ordenación de Montes: Desarrollos Teóricos y Aplicaciones al Sector Forestal ww2.montEspañol” oriented by Professor Carlos Romero
1993 - 1996
Pre-Doctoral Researcher. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. ETS Ingenieros de Montes
1997 - 1998
Assistant Professor. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. ETS Ingenieros Agrónomos
1998 - 2002
Associate Professor. Universidad de Valladolid.
2002 - 2012
Associate Professor. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. ETS Ingenieros de Montes
2012 - Present
Full Professor. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
I have participated in some some courses belonging to different Grade and Master Programs from two Universities (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Universidad of Valladolid) and related to Forest Management, Forest Economics and Forest Valuation issues. Now I am enrrolled in a PhD program “Investigación Forestal Avanzada“. More than 40 students from different Universities did their research work with me in the past.
I have published 75 papers in 42 different JCR Journals. Besides, I am the author/co-author of 6 books and 17 book chapters, 8 published in international publishers. I have oriented 8 Doctoral Thesis. Some indicators of my research:
- h-index (WOS): 27 (following publons)
- ISI Web of Science citations: more than 2200
- Google Scholar citations: more than 4400
Editorial Board Sustainability Journal (Section Sustainable Use of the Environment and Resources) [2018]
Section Editor-in-Chief Forests Journal [desde 2019]
Review Editor (Forest Management) Frontiers in Forests and Global Change [desde 2018]
Co-Editor número especial Forests Journal: “Integrating Ecosystem Services into Valuation and Forest Management Decisions” [año 2018]
Co-Editor número especial Sustainability Journal: “Sustainability as a Multi-criteria concept: New Developments and Applications” [año 2019]
Co-Editor número especial Forests Journal: “Forest Management and the Challenge of the Sustainable Development Goals” [año 2021]
Co-Editor número especial “Topics” (Economies, Environments, Forests, Land, Remote Sensing, Sustainability): “Land Use Change, Carbon and Markets“
I have evaluated research projects belonging to different Universities and Research centers from Spain and other countries (Greek Minister of Education, Czech Science Foundation, Swiss National Science Foundation, German Research Foundation, Research Foundation Flanders). Besides, I have evaluated the CV of researchers for different international Universities (SLU, ISA Lisboa, Swiss National Science Foundation, University of Helsinki, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences), Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, and Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). I have reviewed more than 320 JCR papers belonging to 118 different Journals.
Member of SuFoRun Project “Models and decision SUpport tools for integrated FOrest policy development under global change and associated Risk and UNcertainty, SuFoRun“. I am the supervisor of 2 Doctoral Thesis. Recently, I have been included in the ranking prepared by Stanford University “World’s Top 2% Scientist List“, a classification of the most cited researchers in the world in all areas of knowledge, in my case that of “Forestry”.